This delicious pine-smoked Lapsang Souchong has a medium to strong smoke profile. Very similar to a Tiger black Lapsang tea.
La Sang is a Fuzhou dialect, La means pine and Sang means wood, known as smoked tea over pine wood. This Lapsang Tiger prides itself on a delightfully rich brown and distinctive smokiness.
An unmistakable full-bodied black tea to start your day with, a pleasantly pungent and sophisticated brew to enjoy during the day, and a fantastic mind poker, the perfect cup next to your screen in the home office.
Tasting Details
How to Brew
- Use 1 teaspoon of leaves (roughly 3g) for each person you are brewing tea for.
- Boiling water is ideal to infuse black teas, around 95-100 degrees is perfect.
- Steep for 3-5 minutes according to taste.
- Reuse the leaves a further 3 times, by simply adding more hot water.